About Us
Each issue is reliably delivered by hand to Henley, Wootton Wawen, Lowsonford, Ullenhall, Aston Cantlow, Little Alne, Claverdon and Shrewley...and many bits in between! The publication contains community information, local news, articles, reviews and adverts from local businesses.
The Henley Focus has been in circulation since January 2008 and distributes copies over the first weekend in each month, with the exception of the Summer issue which covers both July and August.
Not in our distribution area? If you are currently not in our distribution area but would like to receive a copy of The Henley Focus please email karen@henleyfocus.co.uk
More about us
One of the aims of The Henley Focus is to create a method of communicating local information, services and events to a wider audience. Many residents do not have access to online information and look forward to receiving their copy of the magazine.
It has longevity and because of it's size, content, look and feel. it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers immediacy of access when their services are required.
Are you a new business?
We have introductory offers for new advertisers and editorial space. Please contact us for current offers and editorial opportunities.